Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 224

Chapter 224


Sabrina, as the brand director, and Galilea, the brand ambassador, were scheduled to interact as per the press conference agenda.

The thought of them sharing the stage was tantalizing.

The assistant glanced at the online chatter. Is this really a good idea?

Her colleague assured her, It will be fine. Dont worry. Ms. Chavez must have her reasons.

The news was intentionally released by Sabrina.

Indeed, she was prepared for this.

Now somewhat of a public figure, despite the swirling negative rumors about her, served as a magnet, drawing attention to MQ Clothing.

The fame of Tyrone and Galilea amplified this effect, morphing the forthcoming press conference into a highly anticipated event.

Preceding the press conference, Tyrone messaged Sabrina. Ill meet you tonight. Were heading home together.

Sabrina responded with a simple, Sure.

Having stayed behind after work, she messaged Tyrone that she would be waiting for him in the car.

Sabrina proceeded to the basement parking, sliding into the back seat to kill time on her phone.

About ten minutes later, Tyrone appeared in the basement parking.

He hopped into the back seat, instructing the driver, Lets go.

The driver complied, pulling out of the basement parking.

Is it true Della is unwell? Tyrone queried.

She fell ill a couple days back and shes still in the hospital. I visited her yesterday, Sabrina replied honestly.

Having seen the news, he knew Sabrina was behind its release.

Undeniably, this move had paid off, generating a buzz.

Sabrina locked eyes with him. Why shouldnt I?

Well, of course you should. As long as it doesnt scare you.

Im not afraid of anything, Sabrina retorted, exhaling.

She didnt appreciate the scrutiny of being on camera, but that didnt equate to fear.

